I was just wasting my day away, trying to get out of practicing for my cello recital Monday (exciting!) or any actual writing, and found myself on Google, looking up "helpful writing sites". By doing this, I discovered that there are very few resources out there on the web. No, that's obviously a lie, what I mean to say is that there are very few resources in one location on the web. Thus, it has fallen to me to create a veritable coffee shop for all those amazing writers' sites to hang out, mingle, and get to know each other at.
Unfortunately, I don't know of every helpful site, and so if you can think of any others, please let me know! I'm going to try my best to include something for everyone, so let's just see how this goes, shall we?
- Google.com - Just as a basic starter, Google is the absolute best possible resource for looking up virtually anything, anyone, or anywhere, and finding whatever you need!
- NaNoWriMo.org - A challenge posed to anyone crazy enough to try to write 50,000 words in the month of November. Even outside of November, though, this site provides a helpful and creative atmosphere with innovative forums to answer just about every question you could possibly think of (and if not, ask yourself!), plus a page for your location and writer's profiles so you can check out who else is out there, communicate, and more.
- Inkygirl.com - Inky Girl covers just about every topic possible--a twitter guide for writers, challenges, games and more--and tons of hilarious, insightful comics.
- WillWriteForChocolate.com - Another site created by Debbie Ohi (along with InkyGirl). This one contains more clever, funny comics with a whole new cast of true-to-life (if a little exaggerated) characters, centered around Eliza, the potential novelist who proves that the best tool in a writer's repertoire truly is chocolate. (Uh, I mean, creativity).
- SeventhSanctum.com - The absolute best site for writing prompts, random names, and various generators that will spit out just about anything in any category.
- Mail.Google.com - I've found that Gmail seems to work better than hotmail, or yahoo, or most other email sites. It's easy to organize your mail, you can add specific details to your contacts, and even chat using unique emoticons. And words, of course.
Wishing you the happiest of holiday seasons,
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